One of my first Processing experiments, from 2007. It draws many triangles and lines in 3D, and colors them using OpenGL’s vertex shading capabilities. Even more surprisingly, it runs in real time at 1000x1000.
Fun With Unity3D Shaders
Testing the limits of Unity3D’s shader system. Click each image to see it in action.
A test to see if I could bypass a shader’s number-of-opperations limit by cascading the result of one shader into another, using RenderTextures as frame buffers.
A tunnel made by 3D inverse noise, rendered entirely in a shader via distance field raymarching.
(The demo that the image links to only works on OSX. If you’re running Windows, try this link instead)
Exploring spherical coordinates, rendered with OpenGL lines.
Singing Glass
A prototype of a mobile-controlled singing glass, for Stella Artois. Using websockets, the user is able to move their finger around the edge of a virtual glass. This triggers a damp sponge to spin against the edge of a real glass. A piezo pickup and amplifier circuit then amplifies the glass vibration.
Diaper Time
Modeling and animating a photo-realistic diaper, while not the most glamorous of projects, was a great technical challenge. The project involved animating a diaper flattening out, then folding up into its “on-the-baby” shape. In order to make large changes to the model during animation, I first rigged up a system of simple bones.

The animation system is entirely separate from the mesh itself, so the diaper’s shape could be easily tweaked even after the animations themselves had been nailed down.

Wrinkles were made using spline deformers, and morph targets on the splines allowed me to easily transition from flat to wrinkly.

For more in-depth info, including some juicy xpresso screenshots, check out this article I wrote on the Luxurious Animal’s blog.
Various bits of techy whatnots! These are mostly experiments or things too small to fit elsewhere.
They probably fit into one of these categories: Graphics Programming, Processing, Microcontrollers, Electronics, Robots…